
「停留簽證」延長 「Visitor Visa」Extension

「停留簽證」延長 「Visitor Visa」Extension

申請程序&應繳文件 Application Procedure&Requirements

  1. 停留期限為60天或90天且無「不得延期」字樣註記者,抵台後倘須作超過原停留期限之停留,得於期限屆滿前,檢具有關文件向停留地內政部移民署各縣(市)服務站申請延長停留,最長得延期至180天為限。

  2. 「停留簽證」期限延長,需於簽證到期前15天內,持下列文件至花蓮縣移民署服務站辦理:


  1. Visitor Visa holders who are permitted to stay in Taiwan for sixty or ninety days and whose visas bear no such remark as "no extension will be granted" may apply at local service centers of the National Immigration Agency for a maximum of 180 days of extensions.

  2. Those needing to extend for valid reasons, should apply for extension within 15 days before the duration of visa expired. Must submit the documents to apply in Hualien County Service Center:
    (1)Proof of registration and class schedule from an approved university language center.
    (2)Attendance records(original-within 3 months before)
    (3)Passport(Original and Valid for 6 months with blank pages)and photocopy(Passport basic information page, visa page, entry page).

Regarding documents above, please consult 『Taiwan National Immigration Agency』.

●注意事項 Notices

  1. 停留期間,均自入國翌日起算。
  2. 持落地簽證或以免簽證方式入國者,不得申請延期。
  1. The duration of stay is calculated from the next day of arrival.
  2. Those with landing visa or visa-exemption entry, cannot apply for extension.


●For detailed information related regulations please contact 『Taiwan National Immigration Agency』or 『Hualien Immigration Service Center
