


  1. 通過的同學華語文中心會自動將符合免修之中文能力與涵養課程(3學分)、基礎華語課程(3學分),該課程在成績單上會以「P」來顯示通過,實得該課程應有之學分數。
  2. 符合免修條件者,若已加修該課程,建議於加退選期間辦理退選作業,若未及於加退選期間退選該課程,請於停修期間辦理停修作業。未停修者,原選修之必修學分為重覆修課,學分數只採計一次。



   華語文中心   敬啟   

[Chinese Language Center] List of approved applications for Chinese language proficiency and cultivation and exemption from Chinese language courses for the first semester of the 113th academic year
Applications for exemption from Chinese language proficiency and cultivation and basic Chinese language courses in the first semester of the 113th academic year. The approved list is at the attachment.

Students who pass the Chinese language center will automatically qualify for the exemption from Chinese language proficiency and cultivation courses (3 credits) and basic Chinese courses (3 credits). The course will be shown as passed with a "P" on the transcript. In fact, the course should be There are credits.
For those who meet the conditions for exemption, if they have already taken the course, it is recommended to complete the withdrawal process during the add-and-drop period. If they have not withdrawn from the course during the add-and-drop period, please complete the suspension process during the suspension period. For students who have not stopped taking courses, the required credits for the original elective courses will be taken as repeated courses, and the credits will only be counted once.
 Contact information: Ms. Lin, Chinese Language Center

 Tel: 038905248

 Sincerely, Chinese Language Center