外籍人士來台研習中文申請居留簽證手續說明 Resident Visas for Studying Mandarin Chinese

Resident Visas for Studying Mandarin Chinese (Staying in Taiwan over 180 days)

申請程序 Application Procedure


Applicants who have entered the R.O.C. (Taiwan) on a Visitor Visa with an annotation indicating studying Chinese as the purpose of visit, have completed 4 months of study, have registered for continued study for at least another 3 months, and have not been absent from class for over a quarter of total class hours, may apply to the Bureau of Consular Affairs or any of its Central, Southwestern, Southern, or Eastern Taiwan Offices for a Resident Visa, without having to leave Taiwan, no later than 8 work days before the duration of stay expires.

應繳文件 Requirements

  1. 簽證申請表:須至「簽證線上填表」填寫,列印產出具有條碼之簽證申請表,並親自簽名確認。

  2. 6個月內2吋彩色照片2張(背景須以白色為底色)

  3. 護照正本及影本


  1. 健康檢查合格證明正本及影本一份

●  繳驗最近3個月內由衛生福利部指定外籍人士體檢國內醫院或國外醫院出具之健康檢查合格證明(居留或定居健康檢查項目表),國外健檢證明須經中華民國駐外館處驗證。

●  檢查項目及體檢醫院請參照衛生福利部疾病管制署網站。

  1. 在學證明及註冊證明正本及影本

●  須為教育部認可之大學附設之華語文中心所核發之在學及註冊證明。

●  目前教育部公布之大學附設國語文中心名單,請參考該部網站。

●  在學證明內容須證明已就讀滿4個月並繼續註冊3 個月以上。

●  週一至週五,每週至少須上課15小時。

  1. 上課出席紀錄證明正本及影本


  1. 成績單正本及影本:研習期間之測驗成績。

  2. 研習計畫書正本:內容應包含研習中文動機目的及研習計畫。

  3. 財力證明正本及影本

  4. 其他視個案要求提供之文件:視個案審查需求而定。於國內申請者,須加影印最近一次來臺之簽證頁及入境戳章頁。



  1. Application form:Go to website: https://visawebapp.boca.gov.twFill out the application form online and print it out. Make sure the application form shows a bar code on it.Sign the application form.  

  2. Two passport-size photos in color within 6 months

Paste on the application form two color passport-size photos with a white background taken within 6 months.

  1. Passport (original & photocopy).

The passport must be valid for at least 6 months and there are blank pages left in it. One photocopy of the passport bio-page including the holders picture is required.

  1. Original and one photocopy of health certificate

●  The health certificate should be issued within 3 months by one of the local hospitals designated by the Centers for Disease Control of Ministry of Health and Welfare of the R.O.C. (Taiwan) or a foreign hospital. Health certificates issued by foreign hospitals must be authenticated by an R.O.C. (Taiwan) overseas mission.

●  Visit the website of the Centers for Disease Control at http://www.cdc.gov.tw/rwd/english for health checkup items and the list of designated local hospitals.

  1. Original and one photocopy of certificate of enrollment with record of registration

●  The certificate of enrollment and record of registration should be issued by one of the Mandarin Chinese Learning Centers affiliated to universities accredited by the Ministry of Education.

●  Check the website of the Ministry of Education for the list of the Mandarin Chinese Learning Centers.

●  The certificate of enrollment must indicate completion of 4 months of study and registration for continued study for at least another 3 months.

●  Weekly hours of attendance, Monday to Friday, must not be fewer than 15 hours.

  1. Original and one photocopy of record of attendance

Hours of absence including those taken on a leave must not exceed a quarter of total class hours.

  1. Original and one photocopy of transcripts:The school transcripts from the period of study.

  2. Study plan:Study motives should be included.

  3. Original and one photocopy of proof of financial support

  4. Other supporting documents

To be decided on a case-by-case basis. Applicants who apply for a Resident Visa after having arrived in the R.O.C. (Taiwan) are required to present also one photocopy of the Visitor Visa and the immigration entry stamp.

For more information regarding the documents above, please consult 『Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) 』


●For more detailed Information regarding regulations please contact 『Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs』 or 『Residents Visa for Studying Chinese Purpose』.